Tag Archives: mixed couples


So the other day I was asked, “When was the first time you thought that you fell in love? Also when did you really fall in love?”

What is love?

Everyone has a different definition on what love is and what it feels like. I think love is something that is indescribable that when you talk, think, or see about that person you cannot help but smile and feel warm. Also, it is something that comes in stages and you cannot possibly love someone the way that you love your friends, family, or children.

Young love is the best kind of love. You are still finding your way through the world and finding out about yourself. It is just so pure. When I was in high school I had my first boyfriend and at the time I was totally smiting. I did not tell my mother I was dating him until my little brother spilled the beans. Darn little brothers! She did not like it…AT ALL! One because he was white but, most importantly I did not tell her. Looking back on it, I was wrong. The tales of my first love would make anyone laugh and it was a struggle. It was the first time I thought I was in love. Being from a small town and not seeing the world for what it was I thought I would marry him. Marry Him People! It was a different time for myself and if he did not move away I am pretty sure my life would be different.

Finding that love is so easily put out there, I am realizing that I have been in lust more than love so many times. I was in lust with this one boy, it was foolish how much I changed my outlook on life just so I would have something to say. Making adjustment to my schedule just so I would be there for him. At the end of the day I ended up getting hurt and it was the worst feeling in the world.

Going to college was the best thing for me looking back at my situation. I had to leave my town and my family behind to find what I really wanted to do in life. One of my professors really instilled in my mind that no one will take you seriously until you do. I went to college hoping to fall in love with the idea of become a teacher or continue on the routine of becoming a radio broadcaster. Accepting that I was not happy with those choices. Traveling home one day, I discovered an old note book from third grade with all my aspirations for life. I wrote a letter saying that, “When I grow up I hope I am a chef working in a kitchen feeding all the hungry people.” Taking a step back reading the letter grasping the fact that food was my first love. So I started aligning myself to become a chef. If you have read my previous blogs you know I love food.

When I met Thomas it was not love at first sight. Do not get me wrong there was a physical attraction, his eyes on that day were deep sea blue and his bright white cheeky smile took my breath away. Even though he does not like beer one bit we drank all my beers while we played and lost at beer pong. I know, knight in shining armor. So after exchanging numbers are relationship progressed pretty fast. We shared many of the same values and just grew together. That was when I truly fell in love with someone instead of just going through the motions.

Becoming pregnant at a young age was hard I become very sick going to the hospital about three times before being placed on the right medication. My family was not happy about it and that awful feeling, I would not put on my worst enemy. When I was able to enjoy being pregnant it was great, seeing that little human grow inside of you. Picking and re-picking out names and oodles of window shopping. As the day approached, we did not know it he was early, we were so nervous. The day he was born, Thomas and I went to my sister’s house for her birthday party/get together. I had to pee every five to ten minutes. Consuming spicy food because that’s what I was craving and after we crashed at her house for the night, Little Knight was ready to join the party as well. Not going into labor details right at this moment but, when I first held my son I never left so much love. At that moment I knew what love was. Seeing the person that I created, well help to create it takes two to tango, in my arms was the best feeling and that is love to me. My son is a product of love and when I see him first thing in the morning or when he is asleep at night my heart gets warm. I will continue to cherish ever kiss and hug along the way.

What do you consider love and what do you love the most?

Until next time stay beautiful and blessed.

Make It Healthy: Shhh…Hidden Veggie Spaghetti Sauce


Realizing that some of us do not know how to incorporate vegetables in our daily meals is troubling. Research is the best thing to do in this situation. Revamping core family recipes to fit not only your changing lifestyle to becoming healthy but to help your children become healthy as well. Breaking the cycle of unhealthy meals at the table.

One meal my family loves to eat is spaghetti, it has not always been my favorite meal but, my fiancé would run you over for a plate. When we eat this meal we usually only have the sauce and noodles. I did not want to have just chopped vegetables and place on the pasta, my little guy will not eat it that way.  So you ask….”how do you do it?” Use your blender! Pick veggies that you love and puree them to add them to your sauce. It is an easy way to not only learn to eat clean but get your daily vegetables as well.

Hidden Veggie Sauce

1 lb. ground chicken

1 small to medium onion, chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 cup of mushrooms chopped

1 orange, green or yellow bell pepper

1/2 cup carrots, shredded

1/2 cup zucchini chopped

1 28 oz. can Italian style tomatoes crushed

1 14 oz. can Italian diced tomatoes

1 6 oz. can tomato paste

1/2 cup water

1 bay leaf

1 teaspoon dried basil

1/2 – tablespoon dried oregano

1/2 – teaspoon crushed thyme

Starting off with any recipe wash and chop your veggies. Have everything opened and set up for success. Pull out a deep pot and your blender. I used my shake blender from GNC. It is small but it is mighty.

Making the vegetable puree is really simple. First, wash and dry the bell pepper and zucchini. Chop them to bit size squares to accommodate your blender or food processor. Put the shredded carrots, pepper, and zucchini in the blender with the half cup of water. First pulse then blend on low until everything is nice and smooth. It will become a colorful mess. Put aside until later.

Spray the pot with cooking spray, if you want to add a light flavor profile you can add a tablespoon of whip butter or margarine. Whatever makes you comfortable, it’s your kitchen. Sauté the onions for two to three minutes or until translucent. Add the two cloves of chopped garlic and sauté for only a minute. Burnt garlic is not a pleasant smell or taste. Next add the chicken breaking it up as you add it to the pot. Wash your hands when you are finished with this step, salmonella anyone… Make sure the chicken is cooked to 165. Add a little sea salt and cracked pepper to the pot. When your chicken is thoroughly cooked add the mushrooms. I incorporate the mushrooms to enhance texture, you can omit them if you do not like mushrooms.

When everything is cooked down add the can of crushed tomatoes. Finding Italian tomato products improve flavors, so make sure you buy products that enhance the flavors for anything you are making. After that add the diced tomatoes, bay leaf, and tomato paste and bring to a simmer for five minutes.

As the time is passing bring out the pureed veggies. Stir the mixture if it has separated a bit. Do not get freaked out it’s just the water. Include that to the mixture stir it in and let it simmer. Next the spices. At first start out adding the just a little over half. Let the mixture simmer for up to 30 minutes. Then taste your master piece! If you need to add more spices, salt or pepper add it!! Make this your own creation for your family to enjoy. Do not forget to take out the bay leaf.

When you are ready to add your Secret Veggie Sauce to noodles pic your noodles wisely. You can use whole wheat noodles or these fun veggie noodles. I have grown to loves these because they are made for dried vegetables and they are fun and colorful. Filling any plate with color adds excitement to the meal and these noodles are another way to evolve veggies even if you want to make mac-n-cheese or other pasta dishes.

Being able to use food in different ways to a cool thing do, not be afraid to explore what you can do with it. I hope you love this and make changes if you want, get funky with it.

Until next time stay beautiful and blessed.

Money Saving Apps

When it comes to our money we are sometimes very relaxed with it or very strict.Over the years I have become more and more aware of ways to keep and save money in this new age of the smart phone. I believe that your phone only as smart as your are, like calculators. If you know how to navigate them the more cool things you can do with them. I have a special page of app that I just use for saving money and keeping healthy.


I love it when I go into a store and find different ways to save on my hard earned money. Many stores have their own apps to help you achieve the same objective.

Winn-Dixie: When you use this app it is very cut and dry you can look at the local ad for the week and start your shopping list for the store. It helps me for those awesome buy one get one and fuelperks. Saving on gas is an awesome perk to shopping at winn-dixie for my family.

Publix: This app is very interactive, from the weekly ad to the simple aprons recipes it is a one stop app for the needs of everyone. A great thing about this app is that it links online coupons to your phone number so you can “skip the click” on some of the items you want to buy. Just type your number in the credit card slider and see your total disappear (or go down).

Both of these stores are great because they do not only have great in store deals but the send baby club coupons for your little ones.

Publix.com or Winndixie.com for more details.

Walmart: The saving checker is a new app that I recently aquired. I like it and I have saved about 20 bucks so far that goes back on my Wal mart digital card. Just take a pick of your receipt and they do the rest of the work. So surprise diaper trips. Thank you extra money.

Cartwheel: It is a Target App that helps you save money in their store. It works in addition to your Target Redcard. You do not have to have the Red Card to use this app! You can pick up to 15 items that you want to save additional % off . So take to savings, they are for you!!

Everyday money saving apps are great for the everyday shopper at maybe does not want to have a membership card to every store they go into.

Checkout 51: I love this app because all I have to do it take a picture of my receipt and check off the offers that I bought off their list. The have stapes like bananas and yogurt. Also other things that you might want to try. They give you cash back! You can only cash out at $20.00, but it is fun to see the savings add up.

Beep ‘nGo: This app has tons of stores that you can save not only % off but money as well. From health and beauty to automotive. Woah..What! Yes it is good to see if you can save of an item just going on this app. Save money at the Fresh Market, I’ll take it.

Pinterest: I know weird pick right??? Use the search engine and look up ways to save money. I have found ways to make laundry powder, which I will try soon. Also, the importance of making list and becoming more connected with people and things I have come to love.


Give these apps a try if you hate them you can always delete them!!

If you have any money savings tips you like, help and girl out and comment down below.

Until next time stay beautiful and blessed!!

Why I Went Natural

Being an African American women we grow up in a world where it is not okay to have naturally curly hair. Why is that? We are always reminded to stay true to our heritage but we are constantly changing the rules. I loved to feeling of relaxing my hair, not so much the burns, but I love the manageability. The ease and the way people saw you when your hair was “normal”. Talking with my friends, yes most of my friends are white, they thought that having natural hair was a negative thing. Going back to slavery or something. So I just because addicted to the “hair crack” or relaxer.

I have been through many stages of hair styles and treatments. Having relaxers, weaves, wigs, short, and long hair. Each time I had a new hairstyle I was treated differently. When I had relaxers I was seen as a respectable young lady. Until my regrowth grew in. I cut my hair for the first time in high school and it was a good change for me at the time. My mother and father hated the fact that I cut my hair. I cut my hair to my shoulders which was not as big of a deal to me but to them I ruined everything. I should have just quit life then and there. Life went on anyways despite what they said. My first full weave was before my senior prom and it was magical. I felt the heavens open up and the birds sing! When my friends saw my hair for the first time they loved it. That feeling made me change the way I felt about hair. I played with it so much it was not healthy. After that I maybe have had six weaves after that nothing major. Going to college I experimented with my hair so much I dyed my hair, I bought wigs with my best friend at the time. It was a blast being a girl trying different things.

This year, I started to look into what relaxers did to my hair I was mortified. How could something that is supposed to help you manage your hair hurt it so much. I looked at articles and I felt like I had to go natural and give my hair a break. Having the plan and going through with it as two different things. I work in a kitchen and it get so hot. Wearing a hat every day and just not wanting to do my hair constantly. I ended up sweating out my relaxer. At one point my hair stated to break off. I then said enough was enough. I went to a dermatologist and we talked about my life style and that ways that I could save my hair. Finally taking the step in August to cut my relaxer out! I grow my hair out about four inches and just let my hair stylist do her magic. I trust her completely and I have been with her almost a year now. With my dermatologist I learned the ways that relaxers over time hurt your hair in was that you cannot see and if you want to keep your hair straight and not use chemicals that you should think about getting a keratin treatment.

Keratin treatments are on the expensive side, about $40-$50 or more depending on the salon. The pro is that it last for up to 90 days depending on how much you wash your hair. It can be used on any hair type and makes your hair super smooth and manageable just like a relaxer but it helps your hair. So white, black, brown, purple, green etc. hair should get one a treatment or look into getting one. It helped me transition to going natural but I do know that it is not for everyone. I am still experimenting with different hair products for natural hair so if you have something that is wonderful and want to share comment below. I love my natural hair and I love my life right now. So stay blessed and thankful.



Questions are sometimes good and sometimes bad. I have a very relaxed way of thinking about the world and the topics that come up in everyday conversation. Being a young women, especially a young black women I get a lot of different questions.

The questions I’m asked are sometimes profound, I am I a mixed raced relationship and I know that not everyone is “prepared” to see this every day. I understand that completely. The question I get asked the most is, “Why are you with a white guy?” I am with my Fiancé, Thomas, for many different reasons. We meet at a party and we just clicked. It was one of those things that you read in books. At that time in my life I was in a place that I felt I had to impress everyone and with him I felt like I could just be me. At the time, I am not going to lie, I was a bit of a bitch. Thomas slowly broke me out of being that person and helped me realized that I do not have to keep others happy. As long as I am happy others do not matter. He helped me to finally go to culinary school and follow my dreams to help other by becoming a Beach Body Coach and I love him for helping me see the good that was hidden for so long.

“Why do you work? Are you scared that you are missing out on things your son does?” I work because I really could never be a house wife. Not putting down anyone who does that I commend you ladies so much. I could not be a house wife for the simple fact that I cannot stay in the house all day every day, not saying that you do. I need a variety of things going on. I love to work to have the feeling that I bring money into the home to make our lives better. I love it when I take my son to school and he learns new things every day. Knowing that when he gets older we can all talk about our day and we have different stories to tell. I understand that I miss out on some things and it does hurt sometimes but, that how I was raised. My mom was a single mom for years and I never felt like she did me wrong because she worked. She worked long hours and took side jobs just to make ends meet and that taught me that yes you have to work hard for things you want. To provide for your family but it made the dinners at night, the weekend getaways, and the vacations the best.

“Why did you become a Beach Body Coach?” I became a Beach Body Coach when I saw a childhood friend of mine, Chelsea, have so much success with her weight loss. All my life I had body image issues. In high school I bought one of their programs and it came with a person, a beach body coach, that helped me along the way and I finished the program and finally felt great about myself. Years later when I had my son I went through a dark phase in my life. I moved to a new area and had no friends so I ate and ate. I disappeared for any kind of social media for a while. Not taking any pictures of me only Knight, my son, and just feeling so discussed about myself. When I became Facebook friends Chelsea I saw that she started another program from beach body and I started to see the positive things that were going on in her life. She does not know this yet but she kind of got the ball rolling for me. I started to walk and eventually did the Insanity program again. It was hard to open myself up to leaving the house to go anywhere and make friends but I am glad I did. When I posted my after on my Facebook page I felt supported and that when I reconnected with her again and I became a coach. Now I love to put myself out there and help people find their happiness, their goal are my goals and I would never go back.

That was just some of the questions I get asked. I was post another one later. What are some o the questions you are asked??



September Favorites

Going through this month I have found so many things that I love and want to share with all of you!
Want to work out and find that dream body you have always wanted while having a blast?
I love to workout but the problem I have is that I get super super bored. I found PiYo.
What’s PiYO?
It is a combination or Pilates and Yoga and you do not have to hold poses and it had me coming back for more and more. Why dread your workout when you don’t have too?
For my information on Piyo go here.
When I go shopping I hate spending a ton of money on common items.
So in the last month I have been going to Aldi!
Finding get deals on things my family needs is the greatest thing especially when I do not feel like clipping coupons.
This morning I spent $10.35 on a cart full of veggies and water. So why not give it a try!
Find one near you.
Another great store I ventured into was the fresh market!
I love love love this store! 
They have healthy options at every turn and my hard to find snacks. You can also build your healthy trail mix right in the store. You can find cool new veggies to try.
Please find one near you!
After I buy all my fruits/veggies for the week and after my workouts I love myshakeology!
I started off buy the pack with all the different flavors so I could find the one I loved.
I know what you are thinking. This is just another shake. But, its not!
I thought the same thing. I use to buy the shakes from the local health stores and really saw no results. Trying these I loved it because I actually felt full and found many recipes that I loved. It is about $3 or $4 dollars a severing so it is on the high side. But it does work and makes my feel and look amazing. 
For more info go here.
The books that I love this month are:
(I really want to watch that movie.)
At Like A Success, Think Like A Success
(Really Good Motivation!)
The Movie that I love this month is:
Think Like A Man Too
(I know it been out for awhile don’t judge.)
These are my Loves and I hope you will try these too!!
Stay Blessed!


All about Friends

Growing up and finding friends,real friends, is harder as you get older. I have came to the conclusion that my standards have changed. I can get over a person really quick. Lie to me. DONE! Complain too much. DONE! Bring negativity in my life. DONE! I know it’s harsh but I am not only protecting me, I am protecting my family.

I have a couple a stories about how others have dug me through the mud and I have stuck by them and looking back, it hurt me so much. So many times I have wondered what went wrong but, it was me staying in that friendship.

When I was little if someone would race me to the sandbox we were best friends. Sharing secret, making friendship bracelets, and calling their house phone (yes house phone kids) and talking for hours. Thats what friendship was to me when I was younger. That evolved into writing notes, myspace (Ranking your best friends always wanting to be on the top of their list.), texting, and facebook. Friends that use to hang out everyday now only meet up every two weeks because we can go on their pages and see what they are up too.

Not only do I feel more unconnected but you can also find out faster if your friends are there for you.
Having a toxic friendship is worse that having a toxic relationship. Friends know more than your boyfriend/husband will ever know about you. That person can hold stuff above your head that you may have forgotten about. Toxic friends hold you back in life. So now I am finding new people that are or will keep me on track for this part of my life.

At the end of this year I hoping to find a friendship that I feel comfortable with and can grow from.

That what it really comes down too. Find friends that are going in the same direction in life that you are in. Keeping these people around helps when you are not feeling your best.

And that what friends are for.



As humans we all make mistakes. Big or small we have all made them. The only thing that sets you apart from the mistakes that you have made is, how you get back up and grow from them.
     Getting back up is the hardest part. When I came to the point in my life were I had gained 100 lbs and I felt so low about myself. The common questions came to my mind. How did it get this bad, I will never get all this weight off, and I have no one. I was alone, living in a new town I made little friends. The friends that I made in this town I felt so low about myself that I did not want go out or become close to anyone. Making any excuse to not go out. To the people I did that to I am so so sorry.
     Being a home body was really hard and only made me eat more and more. Becoming down and just not loving life. My positive outlook on life went away and the relationship with my fiance was at it breaking point. My son became the only reason I was happy everyday.
   I woke up one day and decide to walk. Just walk. Walking turned into eating less foods. After losing 10-15 lbs I looked in my closest and came upon Insanity that was purchased when I was in high school. Finishing the two month program and loved the results. So bad bad could it be…right. It was the hardest thing at that moment in my life. I quit the DVD in the first 25 minutes. I took my shoes off and said F*** It.
   That next day I said give it on more try…YOU CAN DO IT! A 100 lbs later I am glad I did. It just takes one day, one lets try this, and one day at a time. I learned that it is okay to fall just GET BACK UP!!
      Just because your past did not turned out like you wanted it to, does not mean your future can not be better than you have ever imagined.


Waking up today I felt so good about my self. Seeing my son having fun outside while we rode our bikes made me feel so good about myself. I know that my current situation it not perfect but I am making my life better day by day. I love my little one, my fiance, and more importantly myself. Everyday I am learning a new part of me that I did not know before and that’s a beautiful thing.
We all have to remember that its okay to let go and let God. It’s okay to put yourself before others, let friends go, and see the positive in life instead of the negative.
1. You Are Important!!
It does not matter what others want. If the situation presented in front of you does not make you comfortable it’s okay to say NO!
You are a grown up and have an opinion of your own. If that person or people call you a loser or a wimp. Say so what I don’t care. Me as an individual I will not get in trouble or feel bad for no one else.
2. Let Friends Go!
Friends like boyfriends/girlfriends have a reason and/or a season. Don’t lets some one treat you wrong, hurt you, or throw you any kind of way. Still be their friend (OH NO MA’AM). Tell them BYE and swipe left.
3. Get positive!
Stop going throughout the day saying my life sucks and hate this, I hate that. Come on! Get it together not everything is bad. The sun is out all bright and shining. So why not you? Before you leave your house think of the positive. You are alive, your or beautiful, and your are unique.
Even if you have not found your life’s purpose…its okay. Take one day, one moment, one second at a time.

My Modivation

This little boy is my world. No one know the wonderful feeling that children bring into this world like a mother does. He saved me from so many things and he does not even know. Knight is the kind of person that will not stop being silly until he makes them smile. He is my motivation, my heart, and my soul.
      Who is your motivation?PhotoGrid_1406510642241