Category Archives: going natural

Why I Went Natural

Being an African American women we grow up in a world where it is not okay to have naturally curly hair. Why is that? We are always reminded to stay true to our heritage but we are constantly changing the rules. I loved to feeling of relaxing my hair, not so much the burns, but I love the manageability. The ease and the way people saw you when your hair was “normal”. Talking with my friends, yes most of my friends are white, they thought that having natural hair was a negative thing. Going back to slavery or something. So I just because addicted to the “hair crack” or relaxer.

I have been through many stages of hair styles and treatments. Having relaxers, weaves, wigs, short, and long hair. Each time I had a new hairstyle I was treated differently. When I had relaxers I was seen as a respectable young lady. Until my regrowth grew in. I cut my hair for the first time in high school and it was a good change for me at the time. My mother and father hated the fact that I cut my hair. I cut my hair to my shoulders which was not as big of a deal to me but to them I ruined everything. I should have just quit life then and there. Life went on anyways despite what they said. My first full weave was before my senior prom and it was magical. I felt the heavens open up and the birds sing! When my friends saw my hair for the first time they loved it. That feeling made me change the way I felt about hair. I played with it so much it was not healthy. After that I maybe have had six weaves after that nothing major. Going to college I experimented with my hair so much I dyed my hair, I bought wigs with my best friend at the time. It was a blast being a girl trying different things.

This year, I started to look into what relaxers did to my hair I was mortified. How could something that is supposed to help you manage your hair hurt it so much. I looked at articles and I felt like I had to go natural and give my hair a break. Having the plan and going through with it as two different things. I work in a kitchen and it get so hot. Wearing a hat every day and just not wanting to do my hair constantly. I ended up sweating out my relaxer. At one point my hair stated to break off. I then said enough was enough. I went to a dermatologist and we talked about my life style and that ways that I could save my hair. Finally taking the step in August to cut my relaxer out! I grow my hair out about four inches and just let my hair stylist do her magic. I trust her completely and I have been with her almost a year now. With my dermatologist I learned the ways that relaxers over time hurt your hair in was that you cannot see and if you want to keep your hair straight and not use chemicals that you should think about getting a keratin treatment.

Keratin treatments are on the expensive side, about $40-$50 or more depending on the salon. The pro is that it last for up to 90 days depending on how much you wash your hair. It can be used on any hair type and makes your hair super smooth and manageable just like a relaxer but it helps your hair. So white, black, brown, purple, green etc. hair should get one a treatment or look into getting one. It helped me transition to going natural but I do know that it is not for everyone. I am still experimenting with different hair products for natural hair so if you have something that is wonderful and want to share comment below. I love my natural hair and I love my life right now. So stay blessed and thankful.
